Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Laundering money

Talk about laundering money. I was personally involved in a money laundering scheme several years ago.

Well... quite...

A while ago I wrote out a check  for a joint project we were involved in, and gave it to a neighbor of mine.

Several weeks went by, and every so often I would check my bank account, only to be surprised that the check has not been cashed yet.

Finally, 2 months later I ran into Moshe.

"What happened to the check? Why didn't you cash it?" I asked.

"I laundered it" said Moshe.

"You did what?!"

"I laundered the money", exclaimed Moshe sheepishly. 

"The check was in my pocket, and I mistakenly put it in the laundry..."


(I was nice enough to reimburse him and replace the missing check.)

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